Friday 24 July 2015

Science Journals

Room 5 have started science journal. We use this to record any observations, questions or ideas. Plus we draw and label our experiments in it. Here is some of today's work. 

Science in Room 5

This morning Room 5 did an experiment with Mentos mints and fuzzy drink! The observations they made were great and were able to ask thoughtful questions. Well done my budding scientists!

Week 1 Certificates

Congratulations to these children who recieved certificates this week. 
A huge welcome to the new pod members too!

Pod Folk Dancing

Here is Pod 2 practising some folk dances. We will be learning more once we have finished EOTC activities. 

Reading Sharing

Casey's reading groups have been presenting their learning toady. One group has been learning a play and working on using expression in their voice.  Two other groups have been reading for information and presenting their ideas on a fishbone or a table. I have been impressed with the level of interest from all readers this week. Keep it up!

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Hello Term 3

Welcome back to Pod 2! This term we also welcome some new children to the pod. Some who are here for the term and some who have moved permanently. Here are a few pictures of our first day back.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Ice Cream in a Bag

Yesterday Room 5 made ice cream in a bag during whole class writing. We write the instructions on how to make it. I was skeptical but it worked and actually tasted very nice!

You can find the recipe we used here:

Sunday 19 July 2015

Ready to go for Term 3.

Hope everyone has had a great break and ready to rock and roll with Term 3. Some topics this term are: Seasons. Temperature. Position and orientation. Pirates. Being brave and taking risks. Dance. Skiing. Fabric and fibre.
Check out the blog for more updates. 
Welcome back!!!

Saturday 18 July 2015

Week 10 Certificates

A little late but congratulations to these children who received certificates in the last week of Term 2. Well done!