Thursday 29 October 2015

Very excited to be back at school

The children are loving being back at school. Catching up with friends and trying all the new Pataitai Stations. 

Luke's Chickens

Thank you for bringing your chickens in to share with us. You were so proud and explained very well how to care for them. 

Week Two Certificates

Congratulations to these hard workers!!

Sunday 18 October 2015

Fun with Instruments

On Wednesday afternoons Pod 2 will be learning about musical instruments. Last Wednesday we were lucky to have two musicians come in and demonstrate how to play some instruments and how they can work together.  From next week we will be learning our own! 

Wind Writing

Room 5 took advantage of the wind on Friday and used it as a writing prompt. We were learning to use a Y chart - looks like, feels like, sounds like. We stood outside in the wind and brainstormed before coming inside to work cooperatively as small groups to get some ideas down. 

Monday 12 October 2015


We are learning to see, weave. Twist and curl. Check out our cool creations!

Welcome back to Term 4

Welcome back to Term 4. We have another fun filled term planned. Athletics, tennis, swimming, making instruments, fabric and fibre, clay are just some of the tasks we have. 

Friday 2 October 2015

New Zealand Posters

Congratulations to all the children for their amazing posters about their special place in NZ. We learnt about a lot of new places to explore.